"Wargames as Historical Data" a panel series sponsored by the Hoover Institution, MIT's Security Studies Program, and Brown University's Watson Institute.
Doyle Hodges, executive editor of the Texas National Security Review (TNSR), talks with John R. Emery, the author of Moral Choices Without Moral Language: 1950s Political-Military Wargaming at the RAND Corporation, which appears in Vol 4/Iss 4 of TNSR. This issue is a special issue dedicated to the legacy of Janne Nolan, a founding member of the TNSR editorial board who passed away in 2019.
War on the Rocks Podcast: Horns of a Dilemma
Quoted in Tim Wigmore's The Telegraph article entitled: "What War Games Tell Us About a Possible Russian Invasion of Ukraine" Published: 02/23/2022
Quoted in Frank Wolfe's Defense Daily article entitled: "U.S. Collateral Damage Estimation Process Could Benefit From Real World Data." Published: 01/19/2021